Capture Your Grief - Day 12. Lemons + Lemonade

I have a bit of a problem about today's topic and questions: "Have you made anything positive come from this unimaginable loss? Did you find any blessings among all the sadness and sorrow?" I always try to see the silver lining in any situation, but let me make this perfectly clear: Olivia dying will NEVER be a good thing, I don't care how much good I may accomplish in my life in her memory, NOTHING will right this wrong and nothing is worth her not being here.

That being said, I do hope to make lemonade for others with this extremely sour lemons life has given me. I have started this blog hoping that it reaches other mothers like me when they are looking for comfort. In the future, when I feel stronger, I have plans to make it my life's mission to raise awareness and money for research on stillbirth. I want to create support materials in Spanish for all the family's that have to go through this hell but are in places where support is minimal, if any at all. 

Every 19th of June for however long I live, a family will receive a special present from Olivia and I'm actually looking forward to that. I am very much into random acts of kindness, and I have many in motion or planned in the name of Olivia, hoping that anyone can smile because of her. 

Yes, other people will benefit somehow from my daughter's passing, but I will never do. I know its selfish, but I would stop everything and give anything just for one more second with her.

Lemon sorbet  filled with super sour lemon jelly - It was like a Kinder surprise of sourness

Lemon sorbet  filled with super sour lemon jelly - It was like a Kinder surprise of sourness